7.677. FreeWrite

Tonight’s prompt is courtesy of the 2022 February Flash Fiction Challenge. The Prompt: For today’s prompt, let’s write about something being regifted.

It didn’t make sense for me to offer them to her.

When I first came upon the find I was surprised. You don’t see many Hollylite 36C’s anymore. They were short lived models–composed of some kind of tecto-silicate foam that is hard to come by and even harder on the body should it break free. Hollylite composites remain the dream of plastic surgeons everywhere. Imagine an implant that feels as real as natural tissue, offering no suggestion of falsehood at any point in the process save actual lactation. Of course, that was the catch wasn’t it? Lacatal reactant implants were supposed to allow women to complete the feeding cycle, interacting with the appropriate glandular interfaces to allow for natural breast feeding. Unfortunately, they didn’t react to lactation the way they were meant to and this led to often painful scenarios for the mother and child both.

That I was offering them to her now was more about me than about her. Sure, I could lie and tell myself she wanted to get implants. What she wanted was to feel desirable to me. She was, mostly. She was everything to me and I did desire her. We’d lasted these past two years without need of implants and the sex was very good. Standard, perhaps, but good. I don’t know, maybe I thought implants would brighten things up for us. Maybe deep down those neural pathways I suspected that the Hollylites might dissuade her from wanting kids. Truly, I do not know what I was thinking beyond that moment of nostalgia when I found them, felt them, and wanted to have them. I wanted her to have them.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Yikes. Okay, some stories don’t need telling and some protagonists are junk. I don’t know where that came from. At least I got it all down and let it pass through me.

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