7.681. Free Write

I decided to make one up on my own again: Imagine a regimen/routine your character goes through every single day. Write it out from their perspective. Let them get to the end…

Morning has yet to break when I rise. I can imagine the wisps of it lighting the darkness all around me. I am not fully conscious myself, but it is time for my day to begin. I always run before dawn. I have never seen anyone past childhood run for any reason other than fear, but to run brings me joy. I run past the stables where the Henley and his brothers will prepare the hay in a few hours. I dash towards the lighthouse along the crooked paths marked by round flat stones. I dash back, the sweat whisking from my body and my clothes. I return before my parents wake. I set out the feed for the chickens and the cattle. Afterwards I let our own horses out to trot and graze. When they’ve left I sit cross-legged in the quiet of the stall and close my eyes. I breathe deeply, ignoring the smells. I release my breath and imagine a world far away from here, far away from the frigid oceans of the Fallands. I imagine a place where I can run from day to night and I focus on that great expanse. I know it lives somewhere in my future. I know I will reach it and be free.

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