7.683. Free Write in the First

I believe first person is a wonderful literary perspective, so in honor of that I wanted to put together a freewrite in the first. The prompt I thought up is as follows: Imagine you are someone else on the road driving to work. Where are you going? What have you left behind?

I like the highway. Despite the chaos of cars racing to get somewhere, it is more peaceful than the triplets at home. I decided to go back to work because I wanted a chance to get back in the car and have, for just a half hour, a moment of peace where I controlled the sound and the space; where my mood wasn’t dictated by the people around me. Of course, in electing to go back to work I was electing to dive headlong back into an environment where my mood and my paycheck was dictated by the people around me and each and every one of those people has something to say about the choices I’ve made as a mother. That’s okay, because for thirty minutes the most pressing thing on my mind is whether to go with NPR, an Audiobook, or the whoosh of tires against asphalt.

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