7.687. Reflections on a Saturday Night

No, I’m not quitting.

Seriously. I’m not! I am taking a brief break for the duration of the day and tomorrow I’ll hit another one of these prompts. It has been quite the odd day. A lot of driving and standing on lines. I witnessed all sorts of craziness. I saw grafitti on a wall behind a memorial for a man killed in an accident. The grafitti spanned the entirety of the wall and read, “Fuck Biden. Trump 2024”

This is not the way.

Or is it? I fear the political discourse has become one of anger and disrespect at the spear of it, as opposed to the underlying emotion. Maybe it is best to put that out in front. Maybe it is best to acknowledge such things in a space where people are increasingly being fed fear-driven narratives by their very narrowly pitched and honed news services, which feed them more and more of exactly what will keep them coming back and keep them agitated and riled up. I see it on both so-called sides, which I continue to see as a fabrication. Republicans and democrats really aren’t that different when you boil down the essentials of what they actually do in office vs. what they say.

I will say this: Trump 2024 is a very very bad idea. Trump won’t be re-electable and instead will feel a need to either change that law or to put his kid in power.

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