7.689. An Everyday Thing

I was working on the language base for my fantasy world today and the experience was really fun and informative. I learned more about this world I am struggling to create and more about the stories and kinds of stories I want to tell in it. There is an opportunity for me to host a D&D adventure for a conference at my college and it could be an opportunity to tell a small tale in this world. I’ve been thinking about where that would take place –though not what the tale would be. All of this is to say I did a lot today between grading and writing and I am flat burned out. I waited to the end of the eve to generate this blog and that didn’t help. I am not creative tonight folks. That’s the truth of it. Writing has to be an everyday thing, but creativity isn’t always that punctual.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I also learned that my mood impacts my ability to be productive and as it shifts during the day so does my ability to create.
  2. I didn’t get a lot of the stuff I needed to get done done today, so tomorrow and Wednesday need to kill, so I can finally feel like I am on track coming into the weekend. It’s a rare thing.
  3. I need to get my head in the game.
  4. My head spent some time in the Madden game this afternoon where I realized that my superstar team is getting older and I need to win NOW. This has to be the season–this and next. I’m considering trading draft picks during the draft instead of getting dudes this year, because I believe I have at least 48 of the 53 I want and there is little room to add first round talent expecting to play.
  5. One thing I also noticed about today–a dull persistent buzz in my head reminding me just how wrecked my mind is. I wish I knew how to reset the creative energies in a holistic way. It is worth looking into via research.

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