6.793. Sick Day

There is something very wrong with me. My sense of smell, once deadened, has become hyper-engaged to the point where I smell everything and most smells upset my stomach–a stomach which is moments from vomiting all the time it seems. I am sick. It feels like what people describe after getting Covid-19. Parasomia. What is unclear is whether or not it occurs during or after contracting the ‘rona. So, I need to figure that out relatively fast. I also need to go test, so I don’t go spreading my stuff around.

I need to do additional research to confirm, but it does seem like the symptoms I am experiencing are leftovers from having the virus. I was sick a week ago and didn’t think much of it, but it is possible that I got hit with the ‘rona and didn’t realize. That is the thing about highly transmittable diseases–you are probably gonna get hit. I think about that in terms of the Zombie conversations, the Walking Dead, etc. In that show the virus infected everyone but only when your ability to combat it is overwhelmed (bite, etc.) do you go zombie. Could be I am at a low point myself and as a result I am experiencing the damaging after effects of this virus.

I don’t like it. It is really uncomfortable to experience smells this way and even worse it appears I am experiencing phantom smells as well. That serves as an unpleasant reminder of how much our brains shape our reality. Hopefully it goes away very very fast, because it is driving me crazy.

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