6.803. Why I Blog

I am consistently inconsistent (yeah, I thought that was clever).

There is little in my life that remains on track or on schedule all of the time. One notable exception is this here blog. I come back to the page everyday for 10 minutes and pour out words. Sometimes it is a gush and sometimes a dribble. Regardless, I’m here and I am writing. I feel accomplished when I finish. I feel like I’ve spent another day on this planet and in this life doing something that I feel right about. It is often the only time of day I feel that way. The blog matters to me. It has mattered since the day my sister told me to do it. Now my partner helps me keep it alive even when I am at my worst, which is more often than not lately.

I need to get back to good.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I’ve come around to having favorite places. I think I’ve always been there but never quite realized it. There are places that I see in my mind from time to time and think: I love it here. There are a few new places on that list and they, shockingly, are not in NYC. Two are in Seattle and one in Pine, AZ. odd that. I guess I’m growing into being a person who likes that climate and type of space.

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