6.819. Affirmations

I’m finally using my Panda Planner. One of the items requested is a daily affirmation. I immediately realized that I don’t do affirmations and, upon reading a few, don’t believe much of what is being affirmed. I suppose “I will get better someday, perhaps, but not really” isn’t an affirmation. More like a wishy washy not so real statement of nothingness. Thankfully, mom’s got this.

I found a website by and for moms that speaks of 7 daily affirmations. The one that caught my eye was “It’s okay not to be okay.” Well, that is a real one for you. See, I am not okay. I am lazy and darkly unmotivated and hardcore into the receive vs. create mode and none of that is very healthy for my soul. I need a balance I haven’t found. I need to have far less kid drama. I need to be grounded and centered in the home space, and I need that space to not feel like a prison/minefield filled with exploding negativity. Yet here we are. So… It’s okay not to be okay.

That might be the best thing I’ve heard in a while. It might be a short path to getting back on some kind of path that drives me towards an eventual happiness. I could use such a thing.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Love that the planner challenges me to do more than play Elden Ring.
  2. Upcoming vacation from the homestead will do me hecka good.
  3. I miss feeling good in my own body.
  4. I also still kinda miss youth football. It is clearly an addiction. I’m trying to get off that sad sick drug.
  5. Football in general is a form of addiction. Or at least a habit…
  6. Panda Planner invented (or just put on paper, to be honest) a habit tracker that seems useful. I might do such a thing for myself for habits both good and bad.

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