
I want to take a few minutes to digest the disparity between what is happening with Redskins Owner Daniel Snyder and what is happening with new Browns QB Deshaun Watson. This is not about race and this is not about me believing in Watson’s innocence. This is about money and how someone as powerful as Snyder is enabled to skate while Watson faces intense media scrutiny.

To sum up the situation Watson has 22 civil cases against him for sexual misconduct. Snyder faces scrutiny after reports surfaced of years of sexual misconduct and harassment. The difference here is financial. In fact, the NFL basically slapped Snyder on the wrist and moved on (after he suddenly decided to rebrand the team… like a good sport?). Meanwhile, the Watson protests and negative press is endless. The only thing being said about Snyder lately is that he may have cheated other owners out of money and, if true, that could mean the end of his ownership.

So, create a culture of sex abuse in the organization and you good. Steal and you done. At least the NFL is consistent. Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft.. both have been caught up in difficult sex-driven situations and the league says nothing. It stands to reason that the NFL doesn’t care about women as much as it does about revenue. If it turns out that Watson is bad for business, he may end up out of the picture a la Kaepernick.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Stewart’s The Problem With this week was excellent as was Oliver’s newest Last Week. Both struck chords about capitalism in a way that should resonate with everyone. Stewart tackled race in a way I felt was really eye opening.
  2. Birds Aren’t Real… Just go look for yourself.

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