6.835. Week On, Week Off

Tried a new custody strategy this week. We had the kids the entire week while the ex had them the previous week. The idea was to explore what this would feel like and what life could look like if we operated in this fashion. We couldn’t have picked a worse week. Between state testing jacking up school schedules and sports stuff spread out over the week, we (mostly me because I accept the task as mine) found ourselves driving all over town multiple times a day. I went through an entire tank of gas. I also had far less time to myself than I am accustomed to. Had I been writing steadily I would’ve lost at least 3 whole days. They wouldn’t have been balanced out by the no kids week either because that was largely couple time.

What did We learn? The kids like the schedule. They like sinking into each space vs moving every few days. I like having them for a longer stretch of time personally, but they need to develop better habits of cleanliness and of time management. I too need to stay on top of them more and make sure things are getting handled. Biggest miss: my first born didn’t get registered for college as planned.

The week off was great. We enjoyed a ton of us time. I had a lot of fun with my partner. I didn’t do enough work, but I’m planning on fighting that fight with myself tomorrow. All in all, the schedule was a win for me personally and we’ve a lot to talk about moving forward as a couple. This is only one of many possible options.

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