
We are considering combining households. In that I mean we are considering taking the space our daughter held and giving it to the two boys who live in the extra space. Financially it would be a change–though not necessarily beneficial to me as an individual but to us as a collective–and that change would also be social. We would be entirely on top of each other in a way we have not been. I’m not even starting to talk about the bathroom concerns of 4 boys sharing one shower that is already not doing so hot.

The kids would all be in one smaller area and thus the general area would be kid-landia most of the time. I have concerns with that. We both have concerns about the ‘culture of the house’ I also have concerns about designing a space that is amenable to two teenagers who will spend the majority of their home hours in that space. It needs to feel like they can have a inch of privacy (the other two boys each have their own rooms) and still have space for their stuff. Presently they share a room in the extra space, but that space is large enough that each boy has somewhere else to go when the other wants private time. Take that away and what happens? Maybe I’m being too giving or easy on them by making this my concern. I really don’t know.

So, I’ve been researching low bunkbeds (7 ft ceiling in the new space) and have some options there. I’ve also been researching capsule beds, which would allow max privacy in the initial bedroom space. Anything we do is going to be expensive. Buying a new bed, bunk or otherwise is a cost I have to absorb. I didn’t fully consider this when thinking about the move. As it stands it could cost several thousand just to make the move–after you factor in AC upgrade/repair etc. Still, the long term financial is better, and it seems to be what the family wants. So, onward.

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