
I am going to end the debate. I work better seated upright and at a desk. It is just a better writing environment for me. I see others at rest in bed or crosslegged on the floor and hunched over a laptop or sprawled across a couch at the coffee house and I don’t know how they get it done. It isn’t the environment so much as it is the positioning that I find difficult. If I am forward facing, upright and have all my tools in easy reach, I am going to keep my butt in the chair and I am going to produce something. That something is the blog. At least for today. Unlike last night I feel more at rest and at peace churning out the daily words. Surprisingly I have a lot to say today. However, I have a lot to say about a lot of subjects, so I am going to fall right into…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Marry the 24 hr news cycle to a 12 month sports cycle and you get a lot of noise and very little information. The last few months of football talk has been bad bad bad. All you hear is speculation about the draft, about trades, about player attitudes, etc. I tune most of it out. I’ve tuned into little besides draft speculation and even that is a hot mess. There is little chance of the people who are posting these predictions knowing exactly how it will go and, to be clear, they take no responsibility for being wrong. In fact, they seem to forget they were wrong about a pick that turns out to be a bust.
  2. My son’s track meet went bust. He hadn’t fully recovered from injury and managed to hit every single hurdle in the conference finals. His time was sub 14 and good enough for 11th, but not good enough for him. He knows he is better than that. He also knows that track is his last middle school sport, so he will be training all next year to get it right and to develop the self-confidence he needs rolling into freshman football training in SP23.
  3. Spring 23 will also mark the start of two new courses for me: Game Studies and Writing for Video Games. I’m excited to be teaching both and hope to be able to bring some industry contacts to bear in order to help these students get a look at what their future could be like. It feels good to be teaching about the things that I do outside of teaching English composition. Comp and even Literature feels like a closed environment where they don’t recognize the work outside of the classroom. This feels different. It feels like sociology.
  4. Out of time.

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