
There are two types of people in this world: Those who create content and those who do not. Those who do not are generally dislikable people, because they have expectations that have never been tempered by releasing content into the world in a fashion where they are forced to deal with the type of horrible feedback they may receive from an angry consumer, student, etc. If all you do is consume content then you aren’t really aware of what it takes to create it and thus don’t truly appreciate anything but the specific level of content you personally expect.

I might not be entirely correct on my last point, but it has been my experience that pure consumers are harder to please. That may also be because they are looking to consume something that mirrors what they would hope to see created in the world, and by not creating it themselves they remain utterly unfulfilled.

Or maybe I’m just being an ass and overly reflective because of my own reaction to the Ozarks finale. Who knows. But I do have a few things I think…

Three Things I think I Think:

  1. Video Game players often hate the game they play, because it isn’t exactly at the level of difficulty or coding they expect. Despite this they do tend to purchase said game year after year and, aside from complaining, do little to reduce the number of sales and hours played.
  2. The same can be said of comic book readers, but they are generally smart enough to stop buying the comic and read it off the interwebs.
  3. Green Tomatoes are incredible whereas Green Apples remain meh.

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