
I am having the kind of day where I want to blog quickly and be done with computers for the rest of the day. I’m not even finding a ton of joy in playing video games right now. These days happen and they are hard. If you get knocked off balance as a writer, then everything that follows reminds you of what you are not doing and why you are not doing it. This is how it is for me now.

How I got here is a complicated story. It involves an argument, but prior to that there were a number of small shoves that had me heading in one direction or the other. I am back at the gym, which is good but I am still not in a place where the gym is getting me to where I need to be at the speed I want to get there, and that is frustrating. I have classes to rebuild and no organizational setup to get that worked into a normal day and that is frustrating. Back to the gym–I tried to use the sauna and largely failed and that is frustrating. That brings us to the argument where all of the frustrations of my life tend to manifest. The argument itself was as mediocre as they come. Questions were asked. I didn’t have good answers. Frustrations rose on both sides. So here we are.

Now what? Well, I am going to do as many mundane tasks as I can as I usually do when the brain shuts off. Then, I’ll come back to it tomorrow.

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