6.913. On Focus Mode

Ever think that there is simply too much going on for you to sit and write? That is real. It is a feeling triggered by the understanding that you (A) Have a Life. (B) Have a Job (C) Have to really sit down and think to crunch out the specifics of your writing, and (D) Are writing more than one thing. I rarely meet a writer who is working on just one project. Even my students have other classes, jobs, crap going on. Everyone who commits to this lifestyle has things to do and everyone has a engrained responsibility to themselves to write. But how to focus on just one thing is a conundrum. No, I don’t have the answer.

Okay, I sort of have the answer but it is not terribly workable. See, you could lock yourself in a room with no internet access and a deck (computer) rigged up with only stuff pertaining to the one thing you are supposed to be doing that moment. This is how it was for writers who used typewriters back in the day. The amount of focus needed to type on an old Corona is different than our modern world. Writing back then was different–focused even. So, this supposed solution is, in fact, non-workable.

Okay, I have another: Become a better scheduler of mental time and energy. This includes not taking so much on. I was watching Where did you go, Bernadette? again yesterday and I was taken by the beauty of the story and the titular character. Genius demands activity and she was straight dying in the lack of a focal project. Therefore, genius also demands focus. So, really dig in. Get a planner. Write in that bad boy every single day and develop them habit of mind of getting the menial stuff down and done every day early, so you can have a moment (maybe even schedule that moment) to write what matters to you the most.

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