6.941. Waiver Wednesday

This is the one where I compare Canadian Football (because I am in Canada) to the NFL. I’m talking about the BC Lions here–not the Whitecaps Football Club, which is actually what we Americans call soccer. Specifically, I am back to talking about sports narratives. While the NFL does a good job of building up individual superstars (especially QBs) even on bad teams, the Canadiens take a different approach. Compare this website to this website. Maybe it is something in the level of attention these teams get, but the G-men feel far more corporate. In fact, the Lions have open practices (and fewer practices) all the time. Only Training Camps are open to US viewers. Strange, eh?

There is no deep conspiracy or anything like that here. I am merely noting the cultural differences. I feel like my life has been one of being submerged in “American” (read: USA) idealism with not much by the way of exposure to the rest of the global civilization and I notice more and more that the rest of the world is different. The stories are different. The way things are approached is different. Reality is different and as such fiction is different too.

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