
Blogging first thing in the morning brings me a (albeit brief) sense of accomplishment. It means I got up, did something of value or note, and moving forward I can at least say that I did a thing. Now that last part is the double edge of the sword. I can say I did a thing, but will it be the only thing I did? Occasionally, yes. Not today though, Satan. Well… Maybe today. This waffling conjecture lies at the heart of being productive as a human–let a lone a writer. For me there is often that moment where I don’t want to get up and deal with the routine that has become my life. Largely this is because I don’t like the routine. I live three different lives. I live the one where I am home with two grown kids and a partner, I live the one where I am home with three grown kids and 2 not quite grown kids and a partner, and there is the one where it is my partner and I. The last is more energized and the most loving and by far the most productive. The 5 kid life is the most demanding and yet the most likely to get me out of bed. The 2 kid life is the toughest by far for reasons I won’t get into here.

I’m living that 2 kid life as we speak and I am in that bed of mine and I have the laptop and I am pecking away at these keys in search of ten minutes of accomplishment that can jumpstart my day.

Some Thoughts:

  1. If there is life of a sort beyond death, do we carry who we were with us to the next? If so, are we happy with who we are? Are you?
  2. Pre emergent is a gift. It keeps the weeds at bay better than anything else I’ve tried. This is most clear when you notice you missed a spot… Or half a yard. And then there was a storm.

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