
I didn’t need to wake up at 4:30 AM today, but sure enough by 4:34 I was awake and looking around my room trying to figure out what time it was. I went back to sleep for two precious hours and discovered in that rest how much I deeply enjoy the ‘bonus’ time with my partner. By 6:30 I was ready to be up and moving and working. I did work–diligently even–for several hours today. I accomplished a lot of writing and feel very good about the opportunity to put more words down on paper tomorrow. I am in a good headspace again with the writing, and I have finally managed to get to a healthy place with the writing transition from Seattle to Arizona. I didn’t think it would take any time and it took a ton of time. It ate through most of the time I have remaining to finish this latest 30,000 word project. So, I will need to work double time over the next few days. That means waking up early tomorrow to get my chores handled and then getting on the computer to get the words handled.

The writing life is about discipline as much as it is about creativity. Getting that Butt in Chair time is only useful if you’re focused while you are doing it.

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