6.979. Reflecting on a New Office Space

So we managed to get the office moved, and so far it is magic. I’ve moved to the three monitor setup and moved other computers into the space reserved for the kids. It ought to be a nice upgrade for them as well. The office is a downgrade in size, but the comfort and coolness is pretty solid. We are closer together, which I enjoy. I can also see the pool from my doorway, and that is a nice look. All that remains is some decorating and organizing that should be done by next week. This is a fresh start. I feel good about settling in here. I feel like I can write really good work here. I’m looking forward to doing so.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The lighting is much better here too. That is something I didn’t think about going into it, but appreciate in retrospect.
  2. We snatched the daughter’s room, which likely makes her feel like she cannot come back home. I hope that doesn’t lead her into situations that she should not be getting into.

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