6.992. Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon

It is a really beautiful day outside and I am alive. This is all good news. It is important to fall into a little bit of good news once in a while in order to avoid feeling like everything is awful. If I’ve learned one thing about myself it is that the good stuff generally gets ignored, and the problems become focal. This makes me a shit romantic partner and kind of ruins my chances as a human being in general. So, I’m working on that.

I suspect we can all use a little bright in our lives. I could hop in the pool today and enjoy what that has to offer. I actually have a pool. This is not a thing I suspected would be a part of my life throughout the better part of my life, so that is a nice moment of reflection.

In general I am trying to take stock of the good as I come to terms with the not so good moving forward. I cannot allow myself to dwell heavily on the bad, because that is what leads to the dark side. Seriously, ask Anakin.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I severely injured myself… while sleeping. I don’t have a clue how it happened. It may be a torn rotator cuff, but the pain stems from a spot above the tricep, which by every website (yeah, i know I need a real doctor) indicates a form of tendonitis or bursitis. Hopefully it is just that and not a tear.

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