6.725. Reflections on a Thursday Night (Football)

The Cardinals are playing in the background, and I am thinking about the fantasy draft my boys and I are about to undertake. We are doing a Legends league in which we will start with a Legends draft and from there focus on solid player development and draft classes from the Owner’s Box. It should be a fun one, with the first season being completely simulated, setting us up for a start with free agency and new team names. One of the cooler parts of Madden is the ability to relocate your squad, and we expect to explore that to the fullest.

Interacting through games keeps us all together. With the first born up in college it is the only way to connect and play on a regular basis. We find joy in each other this way, and I am looking forward to getting it going. As for our last league? I learned quickly that I’m getting old and they have more time and energy to devote to the game and locate the glitches that help them take advantage of me –and each other. The game is largely about glitches and speed anymore, and I lacked both. I won some games, but I only ever beat one of the three kids in that two season sim. Now, with access to players like Prime Time, I expect to even the field.

At least I hope to…

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