
I spent the first ten minutes assigned to the post trying to get to the point where I could get to the post. My computer was largely unresponsive and now is struggling to even keep up with the words I type. There are a slew of background processes running that probably should not be. I don’t think it is a virus but it isn’t good nonetheless.

I’m not here to talk about that or about Wolves, the story I’ve started dreaming up based in the Amish community and seen through the eyes of a young girl. It is tangentially related to that though, because I want to spend this time talking about the writerverse.

I think writers reach into somewhere else for their stories. I think research and experience help guide our minds and fingers to the place where stories come from. I think writers can lose connection to that place based largely on why they go there–specifically they ought to be writing from a place of wanting to tell stories. I’ve been writing from a place of wanting to get published and popular enough to publish again, which is not the way.

I didn’t even recognize this until my partner and I were discussing why and how I can no longer tell her stories to put her to sleep at night. I think of every story as a sales point, and those tales were not ever that. They were never meant to be more than moments, and I forgot how to have good moments. So, I am trying to get back to a place where I can have those moments again.

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