7.16. Reflections on a Thursday Afternoon

It turns out I am not one of those authors who languishes in old novels and spends his hours reading up on how writers of the past lived. I am also not one to sit about and read books all day. Or one to experience the world on a daily basis. No, it seems I am just a guy who is also a dad who is also a professor who likes games and likes food and sits on his haunches a lot waiting for something to happen when not much actually does.

To whit, I am quite passive. I’ve been like this forever. I let life come to me as opposed to pursuing it or getting really deeply invested in what I love. I ought to dive deeper, but as soon as I am knee deep, I bail. I didn’t go too deep in on teaching, or counseling before that. I treated engineering as a surface level hobby. Heck, I don’t even do the required research to be top shelf at gaming (though being old hurts my skill level as well). I am a dabbler, with a dabblers mentality of experiencing everything I can up to a point and then doing other stuff with the mindset of how good I could have been at any of it. I did that with football for sure. I let opportunity walk up into my arms and said, “meh.” More than once.

This has me thinking about what it is I truly want, and why I act like this place is what is holding me back. Perhaps the place is yet another excuse.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I want to use my Commodore 64 as a Keyboard.
  2. Micah Parsons just fell ass first into the statement we’ve all been trying to make–We don’t like Trump, but we aren’t a fan of Biden either…

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