
Third straight unpublished blog to myself. The situation here in France is difficult on the tech. Even more odd, we blew a circuit breaker in our room and cannot charge devices. That’s rough to deal with. The tech situation here for me Is strange because I blogged on different devices. One blog is on text and another on a dead MacBook. I’m back on the phone which suggests I will need to leave a placeholder for the MacBook blog and work primarily from the phone moving forward–at least I have a portable charge for that. All of this is to say Paris is a new experience on many levels. It isn’t even close to warm so it is a frigid experience on top of everything else. Yet I remain happy. We are starting to deal with the jet lag and the time issue and that is taking a while. We slept till 1pm today and here just before 11pm we aren’t even near tired. When we head back home we will be flying back in time in a sense and will need to deal with that change back. This too will be a lot.

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