7.26. Reflections on a Sunday in Italy

I’ve had an amazing day. I wandered into a castle, ate fresh made pasta, and toured this ancient city on foot. Now I’m home in my hotel room and there ought to be a realistic opportunity to watch football as I chill, but it turns out all of my services will not work outside of the USA. I don’t want to be the guy who relies solely on illegal streams like ’98 me or any modern teen, but the truth is, they won’t let me get what I need on my system. So, do I just not watch or even try to tune into media like I’ve done the entire trip or do I step back and take advantage of available options in order to peek in on my Giants and even my Jets?

The world is corporate and still about the dollar. That is what I was thinking as I toured the Capuchin Crypts this afternoon. The sort of breathtaking and utterly shocking beauty that they provide could not exist anywhere else. I also thought, USA is simply a meme to the rest of the world. That appears to be a theme to the trip thus far. Others make fun of us by diving into their hand chosen pieces of our culture and simply ignoring the rest. Maybe make fun is too harsh though.

I’m happy and I’ve had an amazing trip and I do in fact want to see my Giants game I fully expected to miss. Is that wrong? Maybe. I don’t know. And knowing is half the battle.

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