The Tyre situation was really heavy to talk about, so I am going to talk about something utterly frivolous: how to win at Madden.
The answer is practice and research. I learned that from the kids. Of course, having 99 speed on everyone in the secondary helps. They watch a lot of YouTube pros like Throne and TD Barrett, taking the lessons they learn from watching superior gameplay. Throne, I notice, doesn’t often walk viewers through all of his stuff. He just shows them live games and they love it. The key, it seems, is to understand a defense. A secondary key is practice. You gotta know your plays and know the 9 areas of the field and how each type of man and zone player will react based on the type of coverage (and type of zone specifically) they are in.
I’m learning. It takes a lot of time. I don’t know how much time I am truly willing to commit to the situation. Not as much as I need in order to be really great–that’s for sure. At this point though, I just want to be able to beat the kids.