7.435. Reflections on a Sunday Afternoon

This is Super Bowl Week. In many ways it reflects the end of Football prominence in the household and moves us on to other things. What things, you ask? I don’t really know. I’m fully in the writing mode, and Sunday is a great time for digging in for a few extra hours. However, the lead up to the big show is going to be largely about making the snack stadium. I love the concept and it feels like a fun project for me and the lady to accomplish. Feels like a good way to wave goodbye to football for at least a little bit.

No, it isn’t gone. It never goes away. We have one more high school player left and he’s on to Spring Ball come May. In the meanwhile he still is ‘getting in’ a few 7 on 7 tourneys and enjoying being a respected player in that circuit. I am proud of the kid and proud of all my 5 boys for making what they want of themselves. That is the important thing: They are striving to become who they want to be. It is all a Dad can really ask for. Anything more than that isn’t about them: it’s about me.

Speaking of me, I am ahead of the curve for prep for next week, which means Monday will go fairly smoothly as I focus in on prepping two classes and (2 sessions per class) and then fall into time to work on the novel and the other major project I have cued up for a Tuesday deadline. I need to make some changes on that second project, and maybe that happens tonight. Things are falling into place and it feels good going into the week.