7.370. Reflections on a Thursday Night

I’ve been really delinquent on work today. Taking a day off is often considered an important step in getting mentally clear and reloaded for improved productivity, so tomorrow I need to see that productivity. Facts being what they are, I have not. In truth I slacked this week, getting locked in on the in-class action and the summer trip and little else. I need to be getting stuff done and I am not. Tomorrow is supposed to be a turn into a weekend but it needs to be a turning point for me. I have to get right.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Been reminded as of late of the incredibly ego and popularity based nature of 7 on 7 player recruitment. That sucks, because there is a team out there with incredible coaching that could really help out my kid. Too bad the squad ‘doesn’t have room’ for him. If the argument is talent, that’s fine. However, that is not the argument as I am hearing it.

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