7.370. Cheat Day/Rest Day

I did not finish a chapter today, which should be the bad news but it is actually good. I am learning that in every work cycle there needs to be a day that is not totally devoted to the work. For me that was today. Instead I devoted myself to the Oscars. I don’t want to put my opinion too deeply into this in regards to who I think should’ve won particular awards. I will say this: I’m Just Ken was a great performance, and Billie Eilish (sp?) might be the most genuine person I’ve ever seen at this level of fame. This is all.

So, back to the writing.

Seriously, I am learning that there needs to be a break in the flow. The 21/90 rule argues you don’t take breaks. However, this and other rules on habit formation do not take into account making that break day/cheat day a part of the habit you are forming. In other words, all of these strategies are suborning burnout. Even this blog (especially this blog?) which is an every day affair that started as a 10 minute habit many years ago has days that are straight up trash because I am burnt out on writing and need an absolute break. This is what leads to rants (yeah, you know I do those) and scheduled blogs about sports and other subject headings that allow me to mentally woolgather so I don’t have to be ‘on’ for that ten minute stretch that day when I know I do not have it in me.

Writing is a tide. It moves with the force of the gravity of your life. You need to be prepared for when that tide comes in and when it goes out. You need to build it into your schedule to be ready for high tide and you need to give yourself the space to accept low.

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