

I sat down at my desk, mind considering the upcoming possibility of using a metaquest headset in passthrough mode to extend my digital desktop in unfortold new ways. When I woke up the laptop the first thing I saw was the unpublished blog. Cheat day indeed. So, I published and now I write anew. It surprises me how often this madness happens. It has happened more since wordpress implemented the double click to publish. I realize the point was to make sure unfinished work did not accidentally go out, but for me finished work occasionally doesn’t hit the web. I guess it is about keeping focus on a project through the end. Actually it is more about recognizing what the end is. The end isn’t the finish of writing but the publication and the check of the published work.

Something to consider on this Monday Morning… also…

Some Thoughts:

  1. The ‘trix, the internet, the net, the matrix, the web, the world wide web… the list of names for the digital landscape go on and on. I feel like people exist more in this thinly bordered land than they do in the physical realm. Yet we cannot agree on what to call it?
  2. This is vacation week, which is to say this is write my ass off week.

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