7.372. Turnback Tuesday

I’m not going back to a post today. I’m going back to a feeling.

I remember last time I was full swing into a novel. It was 2020 at the height of the Covid drama. I was experiencing a world unlike I’ve ever seen before and all of my activities were focused on work from home. I had to schedule appropriately in order to get anything done. I managed to get on top of it by listening to the Lady Talis and putting my butt in this very chair for hours on end. I love that she got me moving and that with that push I was able to stay solid throughout the process. I am in danger of falling behind tomorrow. I need to figure out a way for that not to happen. In other words, I need to finely craft a 2000 word chapter tomorrow. Usually I have more time, but I was lax on the last one, which put me in this terrible spot.

Ideally, a writer should have 6 months for a novel. The first month is thinking, planning, outlining, and research. Once those 30 days are over you’re left with 150, but that doesn’t include the process of revision. If I don’t include that in the scheme then you’re looking at 670 or so words a day for a 100K novel. That means I am doing three days work tomorrow. This doesn’t include the other 10K words I need to hammer out for the other thing by Friday. So tomorrow is a big day. Luckily, I like the pressure. I like the way I’ve been writing lately, and it feels like something that could turn into a way of life moving forward. The issue is finding a way to make as much money from the keyboard as I do from the classroom, so that I can live the desired lifestyle.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Sports talk tomorrow. Things to be said…

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