
I didn’t fall asleep till 4 Am, which means my day is effectively ruined. I am not in the right mindspace to be productive as a writer. Still, I find these wild thoughts coursing through my head. For instance: What if I structured every single lesson in a class as a story and made that story an argument or a mystery or something of that nature–what if the solving of it is how they learn? I think it would take a bunch of work on the front end, but it sounds like something that could be super engaging and exciting and straight up different for a basic ENG 101 or 102 class. It would have to start with a disclaimer along the lines of ‘join me on this journey that will be different than your normal learning experiences’ or some odd crap.

The idea being that learning is storytelling–its getting the learner to invest in what is taught. This is especially cumbersome in an english class, because the students do not care and do not see the value of what is being taught to them. So, yeah. I intend to restructure the entirety of my ENG 101 experience as an immersive story that the players (read: students) are involved in as both independent and collaborative investigators shaping the narrative as we proceed throughout the semester. This could be new and groundbreaking and fun and engaging. I could also poop the bed. That is the beauty of trying new things.

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