7.439. Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon

The Yoga thing is working out. I’ve done the workouts for the past three days and I feel primed to keep going. Call it another kind of ten minute rule (ten minute workout?). I will be expanding to more work once this really settles into my body. I’m old. I know it and it sucks. It is a thing I need to be able to accept as I get older, because the only way to be strong and healthy is to avoid the habits of yesteryear and develop habits of today and tomorrow.

Part of this new habit formation for me is the addition of a daily planning session. I previewed this earlier this year with the checklist. I’m entering into a 60 day plan as of tomorrow to see if I can really get myself geared up and functional. Part of that will be trying to get this new novel really churning over the next 60 days–perhaps to the point of a legitimate draft? I already came up with some ideas for characters, which were featured in past Freewrite Fridays. I will need to change some of them around as a result of shifting the novel to a different location. This is all part of the process. Imma right what I know.

Beyond this I am focused on streamlining the writing and the working and developing legit plans to make my classes better both over the summer and in the fall (which will translate into solid spring classes). I am at the point where I need to be more efficient at work in order to devote more time to writing in order to be able to transition out of this state and into whatever is next for the Talisleggers.

I don’t really know what that is yet. I don’t even fully expect to be able to do it in a year, but I want to be ready if we do decide to make that jump. So far the lure of retirement out weighs the lure of quitting. At the same time, it is tough living in a space filled with grown kids who won’t leave and make you feel like a second class citizen. Yet, here we remain.

That’s all for today as the clock winds down to zero. I’m off to play upwords and eat salad.

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