7.446. Transitional

I picked up this laptop because I knew I’d be over seas this summer somewhere. I wanted a device I could use without having to ask my college before I did anything. There are pros and cons to that level of tech restriction that I have no interest in falling into here. The point I am making is that I prepared and still am preparing for the journey. I made it a focus in my life, because it is a big deal to myself and the Lady Talis to be able to get out of the country for a while and be together without the responsibilities that plague us at home. Also, new things!

Today I am thinking about that transition. The movement from working face to face in the college space to the world beyond our hot little haven. The transition means putting a ton of things in place for my kids to be ready for the fall (one will be leaving as soon as we get back almost) and more importantly the immediate concerns of having smooth sailing classes online over the summer that are ready to start as soon as next week, so we don’t get bogged down in labor intensive and unrewarding cycles of creation.

This is definitely that transitional time. I find myself fixing things all over the house and making mental notes of what I still need to buy or fix before I leave, so when we get back it is to a smoothly running environment. I do these things to feel the coming shift. I want to feel like I am going to be advancing in some way, even if it is to come right back to the moment I just left.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Comic Con Phoenix weekend. Good times. A lot of walking that is making my knees mad.
  2. Does that mean I am old now?

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