
I guess we can call this a waiver Friday, because I’m watching Drake Football play overseas as I write this. They’re playing against Panama’s national team and are up 42-0 at the time of this writing headed into what appears to be the half (issues with the clock on the feed).

I’m seeing issues across the board with Drake and they are looking every bit the FCS team they are right not. I don’t want to talk negatively about the team but I do want to understand the squad my kid is joining. First thing I noticed: they gave away his number. He was told he could wear 7. There is a seven on the field on the defensive side of the ball. In general the team looks slower than the play speed I expected, which bodes well for his chance to earn minutes so long as he works hard. It could also be a case of playing to the level of your opponent, who is quite terrible.

I feel like Panama came into this with a lot of expectations. It feels like the first time we took our youth team to California tournament and the center forgot how to snap the ball. That loss was tough, and the same thing is happening on the screen in front of me. The only exception is that coach isn’t trying to break the other teams will. He’s going remarkably easy. Perhaps that is the goodwill side of the equation at play. I hope it is. I hope he emptied the bench in the first half. I hope my kid gets a chance to start come fall.

hopes and dreams. That’s all it ever is anymore.

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