
Among the things I wish to achieve in life is mastering the perfect cup of black coffee. This is elusive, as I am terrible with the maths anymore. However it is not only the so-called golden ratio that is a problem. That ratio doesn’t reflect my taste profile. Therefore I continue to hack the thing in a search for what is right. This more or less sums up my state of being. I continue to hack myself and my habits in search of what is right. I know now for instance that I am a morning person. I do very well in the early AM. 5-8 is golden, though it is unclear if that is simply a time of day or silence of house issue. The later it gets the more likely I am to fall into distraction and adopt the sedentary pose of the home. It is therefore best to get things done early… or not at all.

That brings me to this blogspace shortly before ten AM and shortly before I move into the heavy work phase of the day (which is before I finally get in that dang pool!). Learning is a lifelong process, so I am sure to learn more hacks and continue to reprogramming myself and my habits. Honestly, I am just grateful to be self aware enough to recognize what I am doing and what needs to be done.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Watched a video today that appears to have been entirely created by AI. It was a top 5 mysteries video and the voice has the telltale signs of AI generation. The pics are unmistakably chat GPT. The weird ‘not language’ the system uses when trying to put words on the pics is evident. This is only going to become more of a thing. It tells me that the time for the Justice Engine is now.

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