7.503. The Biden Thing

What can I break down in ten minutes? For starters: I understand why the man didn’t want to drop out. There is a lot of pride involved. He lost so much during his career as a politician. His first wife and daughter died within weeks of him being elected Senator back in 72. His two sons survived the crash. They were 3 and 4 at the time. Then he lost another son and the last remaining boy fell into a deep drug habit… along with some other madness. So, yeah he went through some stuff as a human and this job became and remained his legacy. Still, he took office in 72. That’s 53 years of being in gov come the end of his term as pres. It was and is high time to quit. He can advise. He can help from the shadows in that Obama way. He cannot win this election against a Trump who is now rocking hero status after a failed assassination attempt.

So, what now? We’re 107 days from the election and less than 30 from the democratic convention. There will be chaos, because the pundits bolstered by the news will make it crazy. Who will be her VP pick? Will she be challenged at all? These are all questions that will be answered in time. If I’ve learned one thing of value by tuning out the news and social media this past week it is that patience breeds proper truths. The anticipations and rushes to judgement are not only unhealthy but false. Don’t be caught in the cyclical news trap.

Just lay back and let it happen.

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