7.504. Turnback Tuesday

… Aight my niggas and my niggarettes
Let’s do it like this
I’ma rub your ass in the moonshine
Let’s take it back to ’79…

Triumph, The Wu-Tang Clan

So here we go. I just republished this one, because, well, I accidentally hit delete while reading it. Sad move, that. Back then I was thinking about how toxic Ann Coulter was to the universe. Now she feels like the first step in a long flight of awful people playing off emotions and selling hope and fear. The news is still a socializing force, but what news? Back then Fox was king to a certain audience, but even they’ve moved deeper into the red, actively seeking out Newsmax and the psuedo-news rants of Dr. Phil.

Then it was about people looking for ways to bring down Obama. Now it is wider reaching and far more insidious, hidden behind terms like DEI–a manufactured and slur that once represented the positive aspects of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion but became a rallying cry for people who believed they weren’t hired because black and brown people needed to get hired. I say black and brown because Asians are largely not included in DEI initiatives. This is problematic at best, but if I am being honest, the entire DEI framework is poisoned now. That doesn’t mean Diversity, equity, and or inclusion are wrong. Pretty damn far from it. The core idea of it makes all the sense in the world. But we aren’t having those real conversations. We are being manipulated by fear mongering.

It is only getting worse.

Soon (if not already) you’ll hear the media talk shift to this idea of VP Harris as a DEI hire and that connection will work on a lot of people waiting for an excuse and a lot more sitting on the edge not sure which way to fall. If the other side wants them to fall for Harris, they need to come up with a better and more compelling narrative than the one hate is spinning up. And they better do it fast, because minds are hard to change.

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