
One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I am not good at laying tiles. Especially the stick on variety. I’m also not good with taking input, which is what largely led to the tile issue. I go fast and when I think I’m cooking, the food is burning. This is what has been happening over the course of our home project. We decided to lay wall tiles as a beautiful backdrop to our bedroom and almost immediately, I screwed it up. I continued to do so, finally accepting that things would need to be redone. Yet as the redo is deeply underway, I see more cracks forming in the construction. I’m not good at this. Indeed, it appears that I am getting worse.

DIY is probably not for me if you want a project done right. I’m good at the labor end. I’m good at helping my kid move to a new home, lifting and putting stuff together–which I also spent the day doing. When it comes to fine eye work, I’m not that guy. At least now I know it. Unfortunately, I will be seeing it on the wall basically forever.

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