7.526. Waiver Wednesday

My kids have been asking when we draft for the beachborn league. It has to happen sooner than later. Still I am hesitant to draft early, because pre-season is a bitch. We’ve already seen JJ McCarthy go down for the season, the Giants are basically an ER ward at this point, and who knows who will be playing end for the Jets? All of these register as minor concerns, but it begs the question: how long should one wait before committing to the fantasy talent. I believe for my part we will go the weekend of the 31st. It gives me another clean week to decide a strategy for this year, and to review the scoring rules so my player strategy better aligns with the points and how they are obtained. I didn’t do that last year, effectively confusing my leagues and loosing both of them. I lost the BeachBorn so badly that I am assured the first pick… and the resulting toilet seat trophy to wear to the draft. I haven’t set up the trophy for this year, but I am planning on getting a nice one for… myself.. because I am expecting to hoist in at the end of the season, like I always expect I will do before the first pick is in.

The 17 yr old college CB is expecting to get some playing time. He may be right. He’s shifted back and forth between 2nd and 4th string based on play and injuries. Still he’s steals reps with the ones whenever he can. His little brother is also capturing some first team reps, often as a result of injury to other players. He’s a sophomore and expectations are high. He’s shown himself to be a Kyle Hamilton style utility player, moving all over the secondary filling in admirably wherever the need arises. As for his personal desires? He’d like to fill the Travis Hunter role. The opportunities are there on both sides of the ball, but he needs to have sharper play.

Some Thoughts:

  1. After being word-shamed yesterday I got back on the horse and cranked out 2k of good stuff. It isn’t 10–not yet. Tomorrow I’ll be able to finish the project and layout the next. Friday is an official day off. Saturday we grind.

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