7.527. Reflections on a Thursday Night

I have this mental checklist of things that need doing before Monday. The list keeps getting longer or shorter and I am not writing any of it down. That is my first mistake. The second is thinking that a list can ensure the things that need getting done, get done. In reality they only get done by way of prioritizing and dedicating mental energy. A list does a little of that work, but not so much of the heavy lifting. That comes down to accepting that your time needs to be allocated to the things you need to do in order to make time for the things you want to do.

This has always been my problem–wanting to do more than my mind or body is capable of doing at once and trying to do all of it nonetheless. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried multiple ways to make it work, but it does not. After a while you decide to stop putting energy to certain things, putting more energy to others and the result winds up being success in the things that get the most of your attention.

So, if this blog teaches you anything it ought to be to determine your (corp buzzword coming) capacity and create space to maximize that. You want to be successful? Focus on one thing you want to be successful at, and do it the best of your capabilities. Then it is on to the next thing.

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