7.558. Reflections on a Sunday Night

It is only 5, so calling it night is a bit much and part of the problem really. I was ready to tuck in for the day an hour ago at least. I found the idea of being locked away in the peace of my room and languishing with my lover far more appealing than anything else I could think of. The rest just felt like biding time. Indeed it usually is, unless I have things I really want to be doing. I suppose having the house to ourselves has left me feeling like I am far more relaxed and have more relaxing time and moments than I otherwise would, so that trigger of feeling like I ought to be curled up is only a natural response to the life change of having ourselves a childless home.

That is a temporary situation. Still, I intend to take advantage of it as long and as much as possible. In order to do so I need to figure out how and when to work on the things I need to work on. I have things to get fixed and writing that needs to get handled. I tend to shut the productivity down more than I should. I need to work on that.

Some Thoughts:

  1. A productive conversation with the Lady Talis had me realizing today that football, at this point in the year, is a 5 night a week-a-thon. Most of those nights are NFL. She noted how they ought to stop pretending that Sunday is the ‘day of football’ when it goes from Thursday till Monday Night. I will be watching Monday Night. Saquon is Must See TV.
  2. Speaking of the beautiful game (yes, I know), finding good film on Hamilton is hard. The game is going to be tough. Winnable? Not sure. There is a talent gap that is not in our favor. We just need to come to play and those kids need to support each other and not make mistakes on the back end. Not to be afforded this week…
  3. There are winnable games on the schedule beyond this one. Probably three others at a glance. That may be enough for a playoff bid.

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