7.559. Reflections on a Monday Morning


Yet another day where I come to the blog only to realize the previous day’s post was not published. This is becoming habitual. I can attribute it to two things: The first being me not paying attention. The second being that extra click of the mouse in order to publish the work. The deeper reason is the first reason. I am not focused on the blog. I am not focused at all lately. There is so much madness swirling around me that trying to pay attention to all of it leaves me scattered. There is work drama (namely individuals who want to teach the stuff I am teaching and are mad that I get to do it and they don’t). There is politics (a headache for all of us). There is life. Kids. Writing. There is football (self-induced drama to be certain). I allow all of these to surround me like a gang of angry voices shouting to be heard over one another and the end result is chaos and fatigue.

Some Thoughts:

  1. On the work drama stuff: I haven’t taken to the blog to discuss work in some time, but I will now only to say that people always want what they see and not what they have. I’ve worked to create an amazing schedule for myself. I’ve developed new classes and honed older ones to the point where I know what I want to accomplish and will continually improve that on a semester to semester basis. Now people are trying to take these classes away, simply because they want them and think it is okay to change or remove what I worked my ass off to develop. I am not good with that. I will never be good with that. I like the situation I created for myself and my students. Changing it fundamentally damages the way I develop content. I try to create new experiences for the students, which are based on past progress. If you strip that out–If I am robbed of the iterative process and or the ability to shape these experiences, then I’m just a guy teaching rote stuff I found in a stinky textbook. We invest in what we love and what we are good at. Stop trying to take it away because you want to play in what was created.

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