7.560. Turnback Tuesday

I’m turning it back to a version of 4.85 that apparently never was printed. I found it on the list of drafts. It goes as such:

Long day today. Not a lot of sleep from yesterday and a ton of activity across the span of the day. It felt like the hypertension was surging towards stage 2 for the better half of the morning, and then I came down to stage 1 again. That may have something to do with the anticipation of all that I had going on over the course of the day. It has been a really good day overall and has already transitioned into a very good night. I’m pausing on the night for ten to get this in.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I still love the keyboard feel of the very old (2013) macs and the recently not new (2017) macs. At the same time I am hugely disappointed in the mouse click feel. Such a letdown.
  2. This tells me that I am definitely a weirdo to have so much to say (and more to think) about the feel of a keyboard.
  3. Enjoying the youth football season. Kids are doing well and really growing and adjusting to not being the best–but wanting to be. I can see that transition and growth happening and I love it.
  4. I also love that a lot of these teams that once seemed invincible are not. It furthers this nascent idea of hope and competitiveness.
  5. In the end though, it is still JUST youth football and not a big deal. In the end it is just me diving into everything around me and swimming around in the drama of it all. Totally a me thing.
  6. Maybe also a writer thing? That there is my version of hope…

Me diving into everything has been a thing for most of my life. I remain convinced that I can do and be all things without stressing. Ace of all vs. Jack, because I can never settle for Jackdom. A lot of that blog still feels current despite being years old. The feel of keyboards, the hypertension, the football… I’ve always been intrigued by the theory (perhaps false) that the body renews itself every seven years. I think about being at the point of renewal now and what seems to remain as a core tenet of my personage. I am all about particular things. I am all about the football, though I’ve transitioned from improving myself as a player to improving myself as a coach–even if I am no longer that either. The tech crawls forward, but the feel of what I like remains. The high BP is being dealt with, though it too creeps upward all the time.

I guess what I can take away from all of this history is that there are things that I recognize as making me me, but I never dive too deeply into what it is about those things that defines me. Looking backwards today gives me a moment to pause and think about that aura I create and more importantly, why.

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