1214. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

I haven’t written a story in over two months and that troubles me. I knew–I know–August-September represents the nexus of all things extremely demanding and difficult in my life, so I half-believe I deserve a pass, but the non-believing half says a real writer fights through all life has to throw at him and still finds the time to take that fight and turn it into fiction.

I am not without ideas or motivation, but during this yearly downturn the needs of the world outweigh the means of the writer, and I find myself slipping into the fantasy reality of video game football, fantasy football, and quite a bit of youth futbol (which starts this saturday). Writing? I can make at least 10 minutes for that. Any more is way more difficult.


Some Thoughts:

  1. Erin Burnett has a glow. I remember that glow from my wife’s 3 pregnancies. Happy times there. I wonder how she is going to balance those first six months and the job? I hope she allows herself some time off to do what needs be done and then comes back super-charged. After all, she is one of the few newscasters who I feel is a straight shooter.
  2. First day in a while I haven’t played the new Madden. I would play if I wasn’t so certain my wife would wake up.

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