836. Some Thoughts

To begin, there will be no Beyblade party. Not yet. The kids and I ran a ‘proof of concept’ in-house tourney that ended with the 3yr old assault his brothers with a Bey. I can only imagine this playing out with a 24+ kid bracket. Maybe I need to scale up slowly; invite a few kids over to blade and go from there. I ordered a dozen Beys from China, just for the chance to actually order something from China.

Beys dominated my thoughts last night and class dominated my thoughts today. Less than a full night’s sleep before the 17 week crazy train kicks into gear. I’ve gone to organizational tools–Handouts, Powerpoints–to get me on track. I’m not ready to deliver information about the syllabus, but I am ready to teach.

It occurs to me that as we age our perceptions change. As perception is reality, our reality changes. We work hard to design scientific principles that support our ever-shifting reality, but the truth is that we don’t know what we don’t know. We have the power to lie to ourselves, to color perception in order to feel like things are as we want (or simply need on some psychological level) them to be. How else can a girl living on a dirt floor of a shack filled with HIV positive siblings and parents be happier than most people I know? Her perception of her life and situation is different from what we experience in this country, from what many individuals here experience, etc. Her perception is better.

Wayne Hunter’s perception isn’t so hot. His skills are worse than his perception. I’ve joined the sports pundits in calling the dude a turn style. He cannot protect the QB and is likely to get someone hurt. For this reason, I feel the Jets need to get a new RT or start Tebow. The big guy can operate out of the pocket–a necessary skill when the pocket is ripped.


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