837. Reflections on a Monday Night

I have sighed more in the past 8 days than at any other point in my life. Every breath leaves my throat heavily. There is a lot on my mind, from starting classes to stories due to kids, inability to spend time with the wifey, heck even the suck that is the Jets fills my soul. The fact is I am tired. I am not overwhelmed or overworked, I am merely tired and have not taken a rest in a very long time.

Tonight’s work is limited to two syllabi and the 1st week of a hybrid course. I am less concerned with the in-class stuff than I am with getting everything published in time. Worst of all, the motivation simply isn’t there. I don’t want to do it, because I’m too worn out on the teaching front. Of course I’ll get it done. I always do.

I might need some Ice Cream and pie first though.


Some Thoughts:

  1. Had a chance to listen to the GOP response to the Akin comments about ‘Legitimate Rape’ and whether or not a woman’s body could discern the difference and somehow prevent itself from getting pregnant should the intercourse not be ‘legitimate’. GOP is still in lock step with the talking points. Everyone asked said some variation of this statement: ‘he should spend 24 hours considering what will best help the country at this critical time.” (Romney). Who knows where the talking points come from?

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