838. Politiblog

If you’re looking for a sign of how bad politics have gotten, look no further than the Akin issue. Todd Akin said what many in the GOP are thinking. He basically claimed that getting pregnant due to rape is a myth. This was later echoed by Rep. Steve King who claimed he’d never personally heard of it ever happening. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone has ever shared their rape story with him. See, he’s another one who believes that not even rape is a good reason for abortion.

The GOP platform pushes even further right, leading with Tea Party conservatism (read: flat out take it back to slave time values). Yet, the story is about Obama and will he in. Why? Because everyone loves a story. We are hardwired to think in story, and the more compelling–the more that is at stake–the more we tune in. Romney is a paperweight. He is not compelling in the least, so his story is already forgotten; overshadowed by his VP (sounds like 2008?). Meanwhile, Obama is such an obvious choice that the only way to make the election relevant is to tear him down and make something at stake. So, Obama’s job is at stake.

A friend bet me $50 that Obama would lose. She’s a longtime democrat too. That tells me the narrative has shifted away from reality to the disappointing narrative the GOP created. Suddenly Obama is the divider and the hatemonger?

How the heck can we believe that?

Some Thoughts:

  1. I wonder what happened to Ochocinco?

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