2083. A Tale of Two Tires

Almost forgot to blog it out tonight. Close call too. As I was wandering off to the land of dreams I realized that I hadn’t put finger to keyboard. I delayed it, because I was in a seriously bad mood. See, as I was driving around tonight I realized that I was driving on a flat tire. I couldn’t for the life of me figure why my car was tugging so hard to the right. Apparently it had its reasons. Those reasons being a flat tire. I’m pissed about the tire, but I am more pissed about the fact that it has become a common ploy to demand that people buy these things in two.

Snopes chimed in on the debate as did other sites, pointing at the concept of tread wear as a leading cause for why you need to purchase two tires vs. one. I feel like I need to purchase 1 in terms of cash on hand, and maybe go a week before I put the other new tire in play. It is a difficult situation to have to think in these dimensions, but I know the dudes at the tire spot are gonna give me hassle.

The fact is, I have gremlins.

These terrible things manifest yearly and cause me no end of pain. Well, there is an end, but it usually takes a few weeks to a month. I often like to say it is followed by a magical period of blessed luck, but that isn’t real. The gremlins, on the other hand, are quite real. I don’t know how to stop them or if they can even be stopped. All I know is that I need to be careful over the next few weeks (gosh, how long has it been going on already?). Who knows what is going to happen next?

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