Ten minutes on the clock. Here we go.
So the Giants epically pooped the bed. 27-7 is a near mirror of the 27-0 thrashing last year under the same ‘black out’ conditions in Philly. The difference this year is that the Philly team is not as good and the Giants team is better. Apparently just not better enough tonight. I had a fairly interesting time watching the game–highs and lows and every emotion available to the roller coaster. I suppose I am a tried and true G-Fan now. Not that I haven’t been on this roller coaster since the age of 6. I was born into a city of Giants fans and, at first, I took the oppositional approach. I liked the Jets. I liked the Mets as well, hoping to will them into good fortune. There were millions like me, who apparently accomplished their goals in the 80’s because the Mets were legit. The Jets, not so much.
The Mets are in a position now where they could make the World Series but the Cubs–yes the CUBS!–stand in their way. While I don’t care about baseball all that much, I do care about my team and my city getting the accolades of success. I think a lot of fans function in the same way, becoming fans in order to find unity with the place they live. In that way we forge a certain solidarity in fandom. It can, of course go too far, which is what we see in LA and SF most of the time…
Now I’m just rambling…